Clad Home Bucks The Trend Of Rising Prices

\We all watched as order lead times and the cost of just about everything crept up and up during the pandemic years. We grumbled about it right along with you and we all wondered if and when we'd ever see the end of it.
Clad Home was founded in 2015 on the belief that high quality custom furniture should be more available, to more people, at a truly affordable and accessible price point. As an interior designer, Rosa's goal was to offer everyone the same level of customization, design flexibility, and heirloom quality furniture previously reserved for the clients of high-end designers.
To guarantee a truly ethical and high quality product Clad Home furniture has always been made with love right here in Los Angeles, where we can pay the utmost attention to worker and environmental conditions, living wages, a small carbon footprint, and on-the-ground quality control: these are the maxims we live by.
Our business model served us well during the pandemic years when other furniture suppliers making goods in far off places simply could not keep their supply chains going. You turned to Clad Home and we delivered! But we weren't immune to the rocketing cost of goods and supply chain bottlenecks, and we'll be the first to admit that our lead times and our prices rose higher than we were comfortable with. Trust us when we tell you that we've been looking for ways to bring them down ever since.
We're proud to report that after some serious jiggering and tinkering with our systems and production, we have managed to cut our lead times AND bring back our old, lower prices (an accomplishment that not many brands can claim to even be interested in right now.) We've also added quite a few new sofa styles and dozens of new fabric options, all selected with affordability in mind.
For the MOST custom options, the HIGHEST quality, and the LOWEST prices anywhere, it's always Clad Home.